Lagunas de Ruidera. Portal informativo y turístico Ruidera

panorámica Laguna Conceja en Ruidera

Lagunas de Ruidera

Home Villahermosa
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When the traveller reaches the town of Villahermosa he will see, overtopping other buildings, the parochial church of la Asunción, a de rigueur visit.

In its municipality there is Laguna Blanca, the first lagoon of Lagunas de Ruidera and one of the most interesting wetland nature areas in Castilla La Mancha.  It is very close to the spot of Zampullones where subterranean water flows to the surface thus creating a carpet of aquatic vegetation in sharp contrast with the abundant clumps of savins that grow in the surrounding area.

It is important to notice cynegetic recovery made in game preserves existing in the area, mainly of small game.