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Home Marshy Vegetation
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Marshy vegetation – Laguna Salvadora
Practically all the lagoons are surrounded by vegetation associated to their shores, developing their biological cycle in close contact to the water and contrary to submerged plant life, this one emerges over the water.

This flora has a tremendous ecological value, and it offers refuge and hatching locations to significant numbers of fauna species; among other purposes it keeps the balance of the whole ecosystem.

The most widespread plant is the common reed (phagmites australis) covering vast areas of land.  Others, like saw sedge, cattail (typha domingensis), rush (scirpus lacustri) and the salicacious shrub (lythrum salicaria) cover the shores of lagoons in a lesser degree.

Together with other species, river-side trees such as white poplar or tamarisk can be found there.


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Vegetación palustre: salicaria

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